Professional Heroes are ranked according to the official worldwide Billboard Chart.
These rankings are of utmost importance to Mt. Lady as she reaches her goal of being the most popular Pro Hero.
Send her likes to boost her score and ranking on the Billboard Chart!
Help make Mt. Lady a global phenomenon!
In the world of heroes, Mt. Lady stands as a towering beacon of strength and elegance.
Her beauty is not just in her towering stature but also in her confident demeanor, reflecting the resilience of a mountain and the grace of a dancer.
With each stride, she commands attention, a testament to the awe-inspiring allure of nature embodied in human form.
If you play MY HERO ULTRA RUMBLE put "" in your bio!
Maybe even put it in your username!
Heck, share it on Discord, Reddit, Twitter, or any way that you can! Even if you don't play MHUR! As long as you're a Mt. Lady fan it doesn't matter!
This website is under active development.
New features, GIFs, secrets, and more will be added over the coming weeks!
Potentially as things get added to MY HERO ULTRA RUMBLE...
If you have any ideas for the website, post a Tweet or message me on Twitter (I'm desperate)
(You may need to log in to Twitter to see the Tweets)